

Getting Real – serious policies for the triple crisis

Britain and the rest of the world face a set of almost intractable challenges, ecological (including climate), economic and social. Yet political leaders with few exceptions are failing to propose the actions and policies that could address the scale of this pancrisis.

Here though is an alternative initiative, a kind of alternative manifesto with a portfolio of illustrative policies,
Stop the Damage! Build a Better Future!
How Britain can face ecological, social and economic perils

It is accompanied by a 2 page Summary and key messages document.

There are two elements – an Emergency Brake to stop the damage, and a Plan for Renewal and Reconstruction.

What we are saying

Let’s get real, to face the (perfect storm of) ecological, social and economic crises. Reality needs a response that is,


Britain faces interconnected ecological, economic, and social crises. It’s time for bold and immediate policy changes.


Demonstrates a holistic approach, with policy changes across key sectors to tackle pressing environmental and social challenges.

Rejects GDP growth

Focuses on the necessary move to a society and economy that does not rely on endless growth in energy use and consumption, and the political and economic changes necessary to achieve this.

Applies an Emergency Brake

In a profound ecological and climate crisis, immediate measures are necessary, including substantial reductions in energy and material consumption, with rapid reduction in carbon emissions, alongside a safety net for affected individuals.

Has a longer term Renewal Plan

To build a future for all within planetary resources, covering energy, livelihoods, production, consumption, and more.

Prioritises collective well being

Guaranteeing decent living standards, transforming production and consumption patterns, and ensuring affordable housing: no to poverty and extreme wealth.

Transforms the economy

Using judicious government borrowing, tax reform, and reshaping financial institutions to serve people and the planet.

Offers true security

Thinks globally, acts nationally, redirecting defence spending to civil purposes, supporting climate justice globally, and addressing historical injustices.

Redefines success

Emphasising meaningful economic, ecological, and social outcomes.

Is bold, realistic and necessary

Getting real means taking a bold yet realistic path. It’s time for leaders to stop fiddling with inadequate measures, to apply the emergency brake and establish an ambitious plan for reconstruction and renewal – there is a world to win.

A Call to Leadership

We urge leaders and opinion-formers to consider and adopt these proposals, either in whole or in part, for a sustainable and equitable future.

Our manifesto is both bold and realistic. Leaders need to honestly explain to citizens that we cannot go on the way we have been and that both a very challenging Emergency Brake and Plan for Reconstruction and Renewal are needed. We commend our proposals to leaders and opinion-formers in all sectors – they can be adopted in whole or in part, with or without credit.

Download the 2 page summary and key messages

Download “Stop the Damage Build a Better Future” – full report